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ASHA Nominates Courtney Ball for the USEF Youth Sportsman’s Award

The ASHA is proud to nominate Courtney Ball from Scottsdale, Arizona for the USEF Youth Sportsman’s Award. The primary goal for this award is to identify potential future leaders in the equine industry and to recognize youth for their achievements.  The applicants should demonstrate ongoing commitment to the promotion of equestrian sport, serve as a positive role model for their peers, be involved in community activities and exhibit characteristics that exemplify positive sportsmanship principles. Courtney fulfills all these requirements with her activities at Bridleway Stables.

Courtney has been an ASHA member, ASA of Arizona member, and member of the Bridleway Barnstormers Youth Club for 11 years. As the award winning youth group’s President, she has led riders to participate in all of the youth programs offered by the American Saddlebred Horse Association, such as Saddle Time, ASIYP badge program, ASHA Academy Awards and every youth contest offered. She has led the group to recognition for fundraising, promotion of the breed and community service. Over the past 9 years, the Bridleway Barn Stormers have raised over $50,000 for their philanthropies . Her community service includes fundraisers for collection and distribution of food and money to local food banks, blankets, towels, food and money to local animal shelters and preparation of packages for third world countries. Courtney’s volunteer work has been extensive to include local therapeutic riding programs, breed promotions at several events and a demonstration with over 100 Girl Scouts at a local horse show.  She has been a leader and mentor to countless younger riders in her barn for many years.  She often assists the lesson program with either team teaching, or helping the brand new riders individually. She is a pivotal leader at summer camp, teaching class and leading activities with over 50 new riders each summer. Courtney is also a peer coach at local and regional shows helping the new riders prepare and show.

Courtney’s achievements include being the recipient of the ASHA Youth High Point Award for six years in a row, winner for two years of the ASHA Youth Showmanship at Halter Regional High Point Award and recipient of the ASAA High Point Award for several years. In addition to the awards, Courtney has completed all six levels of Saddle Time and and completed all 19 achievement badges offered in the American Saddlebred International Youth Program (ASIYP) ,the ASIYP letter and completed all four ASIYP levels.  She holds the badge meetings for their youth club to help others learn more about the American Saddlebred. She has also been a member of USEF for the past 7 years and completed the USEF High School Equestrian Athlete program. She also recently won the USEF Saddleseat World Cup Video contest being the first to win the contest.

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