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ASHA to Close Office to Produce Documents for Concerned Members

Lexington, Kentucky - Beginning Tuesday, July 26, the American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA) office will be closed until further notice. During this time, the American Saddlebred Registry will continue its normal business operations.

During this time, all regular day-to-day ASHA operations will be placed on hold, as ASHA personnel and resources will be otherwise occupied in undertaking an exhaustive document research and production effort, for the purpose of satisfying the demands of the "Concerned Members."

The specified date by which the requested documents are to be provided is Friday, August 5; we will be closed beginning Tuesday, July 26, for whatever duration of time is necessary for ASHA staff to research and produce all the documents requested to meet the demands of the "Concerned Members."

The documents to be produced include the following:

All payroll reports.

Reports or "packets" provided to ASHA board members on a routine basis.

All electronic mail sought for inspection by the "Concerned Members," and attachments to electronic mail.

Terms of Paula Johnson's employment and any communications or other agreements relating to Ms. Johnson's hiring and employment with ASHA.

Copy of any report or communication, if any, from any consulting agency regarding potential candidates, including Paula Johnson, for employment at ASHA as Executive Director or Executive Secretary.

Reports and communications, if any, regarding potential violations of ASHA and USEF rules by ASHA board members and employees.

Records, if any, indicating any financial or business relationship between ASHA employees and ASHA board members, executive committee members, officers or their families.

General ledgers, journal entries, and supporting documentation for ASHA's two most recent accounting years.

Communications of board members, officers and employees for ASHA's two most recent accounting years.

As stated in the above list, it should be noted by all ASHA members that if you have corresponded by email or by any other written method with any ASHA staff or Board member during the 2009 or 2010 calendar year, your correspondence is subject to this document production, including any attached files or documents therein, as per the request by the "Concerned Members."

ASHA realizes the inconvenience this may cause many of its members, and has made every effort possible to avoid this eventuality. We also realize that the timing is especially inconvenient, in that ASHA staff is now being forced to divert its attention away from not only its regular day-to-day operations and mission of serving the ASHA membership, but is also distracted from preparation for the upcoming 2011 Kentucky State Fair World's Championship Horse Show - the American Saddlebred's biggest event of every year - which is now only weeks away.

We will let our members know immediately when ASHA has completed the work necessary to satisfy the demands of the "Concerned Members," and is once again available to return to the day-to-day operations of serving its members, and resume the continued mission of promoting our wonderful breed.

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