ASHA Board Nominees
Friday, December 9, 2011
Lexington, Kentucky - Following submission of the proposed slate to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA), the list of nominees standing for election as Directors of the Association for terms beginning in February 2012 was released.
In February 2012, six directors are to be elected by ASHA members for terms ending in 2015, from the following 11 candidates: Susan Aschenbrenner (Iowa), Betsy Boone (North Carolina), Randall Cates (Oklahoma), Redd Crabtree (Kentucky), Germaine Johnson (Kentucky), Darryl Leifheit (Kentucky), David Rudder (Kentucky), Janet Sterba (Virginia), Joan Todd (Indiana), Kenneth Wheeler (Virginia), and William Whitley (North Carolina). As in previous years, the ballot will also provide space for write-in votes for other candidates.
Each of the nominees selected by the Nominating Committee meets the requirements in the Association’s bylaws for service as a Director, and was selected in a lengthy and difficult process from over 180 members who were suggested by their fellow members.
Ballots (including biographical information on the candidates) will be mailed in the coming weeks, and must be returned by eligible voting members of the Association on or before Friday, February 3, 2012. The election results will be announced at the Association’s convention and annual meeting, to be held from Thursday, February 16, through Saturday, February 18, at the Griffin Gate Marriott Resort and Spa in Lexington, Kentucky.
It should also be noted that in order to be eligible to vote in the upcoming ASHA Board elections, your ASHA membership must be current as of December 20, 2011. Memberships can be renewed onlinehere, or by contacting ASHA by phone at (859) 259-2742.