ASHA Board Cadidate Spotlight: Sandra Currier
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
During the next two weeks, the American Saddlebred Horse Association is pleased to introduce to you its 12 Board of Directors candidates.
Of these 12 outstanding candidates, seven will be elected to the Board. Voting is now open to all 2014 ASHA Life, Contributing, Senior, and Charter Club Affiliate members over the age of 18. Members may vote online for up to seven candidates by logging in with their ASHA credentials. Complete biographies for each candidate are available for review at the online site. Online voting will be open until MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2014
Sandra Currier – Bellville, TX
Sandra Currier has been involved with American Saddlebreds for over 30 years, having started her career with Maynard Casler at Misty Hills Farm. She has served as the Trainer of Mr. and Mrs. Perwien’s Bluebonnet Farm for the past 20+ years. Sandra has served as a volunteer for TASHA and the Texas Futurity, and she has also helped supply the Spindletop organization with horses for their exhibits.
Sandra attended college for a couple of years, and has a high level of expertise in organizational skills. She has worked as an American Saddlebred trainer, riding instruction and judge for over 30 years. She is a member of the UPHA and the AHHS.
If elected to the ASHA Board, Sandra would be particularly interested in helping establish a Novice or “B” Circuit for the American Saddlebred, as well as promoting the breeding of American Saddlebreds and development of young horses. Her vision for the ASHA is to encourage more young trainers to become involved in training young horses, and to implement an apprenticeship program with a rotation among established trainers. Sandra would like to give back to the breed that has done so much for her.