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ASAW Spring Premiere Show 2009

The 2009 academy show season got off to a strong start at the ASAW Spring Premiere show in Waukesha, Wisconsin. A cooperative effort between ASAW and the Knollwood Knockouts youth group, this 6 year old show raises funds for the ASAW scholarship fund, and gives the show ring stars of tomorrow a great facility and schedule of classes to start the show season in style.

Riders from Winsome Farms, Krussell Stables, Glen Valley Saddlebreds, Clean Sweep Farm, Woodwind Farm, Lance Hayes Stables and Knollwood Farms competed under the watchful eye of judge Ginger Schinktgen in classes for maiden through advanced academy riders. Saturday’s morning performance was for the advanced riders, while intermediate classes filled the afternoon schedule. After the horses were put up, the competitors returned to the arena for a spirited game of ‘soccer’ using a 4 foot ball. After countless collisions, rollovers and ten goals, the players retired for a pizza party.

Sunday’s morning performance featured walk trot riders ages 11 and up, while the afternoon schedule showcased the 10 and under and maiden riders who were making their show ring debuts.

ASAW and the Knollwood Knockouts would like to thank all the riders that participated in the show and made a significant contribution to the scholarship fund. Here’s wishing everyone a happy 2009 show season!

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