Arizona Futurity Show Adds Pink Ribbon Classes
Monday, September 19, 2011
The California and Arizona Futurity Show board members invite you to thrill to the excitement of Las Vegas and then come enjoy the ambiance of Scottsdale while having your horses in two world class venues -South Pointe and WestWorld - the last two weeks of October.
Cooperatively, there are several cash incentives for showing at both shows. The trainer who brings the most horses to both shows will receive $500. Exhibitors who show at both shows will be put in a draw for a $500 cash prize.
At the California Futurity Show in Las Vegas, all entries in the Five-Gaited, Three-Gaited, and Fine Harness Jackpot Stake classes will qualify for a $5,000 drawing. Other prizes throughout the show include a week in Sun Valley and tickets to the top Las Vegas shows.
The Arizona Futurity Show in Scottsdale will be offering their usual $250 out-of-state trainer jackpot draw. The Western Pleasure Pink Ribbon Stake will be a $500 stake, and if there are six or more exhibitors, there will be an additional $500 random draw at the end of the class. The English Pleasure All Breed Open Opportunity Stake will also be a Pink Ribbon class.
Be sure to set aside the last two weeks of October to enjoy all the Southwest has to offer. Prize lists are available at and