ARHPA Roadster To Wagon Classic Introduced
Monday, January 29, 2018
The American Road Horse and Pony Association (ARPHA) Roadster to Wagon Classic Championship is open to horses registered with ARPHA and showing in their first or second year of competition in the Roadster to Wagon division. The Owner, Trainer and Exhibitor must be a current member of ARPHA. Exhibitors must be 18 years of age or older. All entries must have shown and been judged in two (2) Roadster to Wagon classes during the current show season prior to the ARPHA Classic Championship.
The entry fee for the ARPHA Roadster to Wagon Classic Championship Class is $500 and must be paid prior to the Class.
All entry fees for this class will be added to the purse along with $10,000.00 added prize money.
Prize money awarded as follows: First 40%, Second 25%, Third 15%, Fourth, 10%, Fifth 10%.
The Winner of the ARPHA Roadster to Wagon Classic Championship is ineligible for future competition in this class.
The ARPHA Roadster to Wagon Classic Championship Classic will follow the rules outlined in the Open Roadster to Wagon Division in the USEF rule book.