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Applications are now open to join the AMHA Young Adult Alliance Leadership Council

The AMHA Young Adult Alliance (YAA), the leading group of 18-40 year old amateurs and professionals working to strengthen the Morgan breed, today announced the opening of applications for positions on their leadership council. Interested parties should submit a brief paragraph outlining their interest, experience and qualifications to Julie Broadway at [email protected] by January 15th.

The AMHA YAA Leadership Council meets every three to four weeks via conference calls, traditionally in the evening at 9PM Eastern, to discuss group initiatives. Members of the leadership council are expected to join two sub-committees and actively participate on the council. Council members shall serve two-year terms with the option of reapplying to the committee.

“The YAA has had a very successful first year and we are looking to continue the momentum we have created into 2015,” said Steven Handy, YAA co-chair. “Expanding our leadership council will enable us to take on larger projects and make an even bigger impact within the Morgan breed.”

Throughout 2014, members of the YAA leadership council have hosted successful meetings and events at the AMHA Annual Convention and Morgan horse shows throughout the country, debuted a series of educational videos to the public, created the #MorganHorseFamily hashtag, joined AMHA and regional committees, fundraised, and established an annual judging school scholarship.

Interested applicants can learn more at or by reaching out to YAA Leadership Council via email at [email protected].

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