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AMHA/USEF 2007 Judges’ Schools


The American Morgan Horse Association would like to encourage "r" and "R" judges of the USEF to become Morgan judges. If you have a "r" USEF card in another breed you can become eligible to apply for a "r" Morgan card by attending two AMHA Judges’ Schools, three days at the first school and two days at the second school, and receive a minimum grade of 85% on a written exam. No learner judging is required. If you are a USEF "R" judge in another breed you must attend one Judges’ School and receive a minimum grade of 85% on a written exam. No learner judging is required.


In 2007 four AMHA/USEF Judges’ Schools are being offered: Diamond Jubilee in Del Mar, Ca. on April 13-15; Southern States in Raleigh, NC on May 24-26; Mid A in Lexington, Va. On June 28-30; and Circle J in Denver, Co. on July5-7. For details on how to become a Morgan judge or about the 2007 Morgan Judges’ Schools, contact AMHA at (802) 985-4944.

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