AMHA/USEF 2007 Judges’ Schools
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The American Morgan Horse Association would like to encourage "r" and "R" judges of the USEF to become Morgan judges. If you have a "r" USEF card in another breed you can become eligible to apply for a "r" Morgan card by attending two AMHA Judges’ Schools, three days at the first school and two days at the second school, and receive a minimum grade of 85% on a written exam. No learner judging is required. If you are a USEF "R" judge in another breed you must attend one Judges’ School and receive a minimum grade of 85% on a written exam. No learner judging is required.
In 2007 four AMHA/USEF Judges’ Schools are being offered: Diamond Jubilee in Del Mar, Ca. on April 13-15; Southern States in Raleigh, NC on May 24-26; Mid A in Lexington, Va. On June 28-30; and Circle J in Denver, Co. on July5-7. For details on how to become a Morgan judge or about the 2007 Morgan Judges’ Schools, contact AMHA at (802) 985-4944.