AMHA Signs Merial As First "Official" Corporate Sponsor
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
SHELBURNE, VT—The American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) is pleased to announce that Merial, maker of Ulcergard® and Gastrogard®, has signed on as an Official Sponsor of the AMHA and the Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show.
"We are thrilled to welcome Merial as our first 'Official' level corporate sponsor. The AMHA strives to serve its membership, and this new partnership with Merial will provide important information and benefits to help our members help their horses," stated AMHA Executive Director, Julie Broadway.
As an "Official" sponsor, Merial will be present at this year's Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show and will be providing free product coupons and educational information to exhibitors.
Merial is a world-leading animal health company with a proven track record of producing pharmaceutical products and vaccines for performance and pleasure horses.