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AMHA Honors its Masters and Promoters at Annual Convention

AMHA is pleased to announce the following AMHA members will receive honors at its annual awards luncheon on Thursday, February 24 in Boston, Massachusetts.

A Master's Certificate is given to individuals older than 60 years of age who have been active with Morgan horses in a variety of ways through the years. Recognized clubs nominate members based on their involvement in breeding, showing, training, and just generally enjoying their Morgan horses. Congratulations to all!

Receiving a 2010 Master's Certificate are:

Jim Adrian-Rushmore State Morgan Horse Association

Kris and Allen Breyer-Mid-States Morgan Horse Club

Mary Ellen Gray-Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club, Inc.

Robert Harb-Granite State Morgan Horse Society

Stephen Herz-New York Morgan Horse Society

Sara Hausamann-New England Morgan Horse Association

Patricia Lloyd-New England Morgan Horse Association

Karen Marlin-Maine Morgan Horse Club

Dawn Murphy-Maine Morgan Horse Club

Susan and Chris Nerland-Blue Ridge Morgan Horse Association

Carol and Ray Potts-The Lippitt Club

Jo Rench-Sooner State Morgan Horse Association

Diann Sanel-Granite State Morgan Horse Society

Bob and Jacquie Schaumberg-Lippitt Morgan Breeders Association

Cara Schengrund-Pennsylvania Morgan Horse Club

Brad Scussell-Morgan Horse Association of New Jersey

Barbara Simmons-Missouri Valley Morgan Horse Club

The AMHA Promoter Award recognizes members who are diligent supports of the Morgan breed, working hard to promote the Morgan horse in public arenas. Recipients of the Promoter Award actively promote the breed at fairs, parades, equine expos, open barns, and many other activities.

Earning 2010 AMHA Promoter Awards are:

Nancy Caisse-New England Morgan Horse Association

Susan Colleton-New England Morgan Horse Association

Tanner Coy Cosby-Bluegrass Morgan Horse Association

Don and Mary Curtis-The Lippitt Club

Barbara Irvine-New England Morgan Horse Association

Shirley Orlando-Mid-States Morgan Horse Club

Leslie Potter-Bluegrass Morgan Horse Association
Jo Rench-Sooner State Morgan Horse Association

Mary Shappee-Sooner State Morgan Horse Association

Eric Stormer-New York Morgan Horse Society

Joan Travers-New England Morgan Horse Association

Kathi White-Mid-States Morgan Horse Club

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