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AMHA Golden Reins Award: Bob Hughes

When you are born with a love of all animals the way Bob Hughes was it was a natural progression to grow up and become a professional horse trainer. His passion would cause him to seek out horses and horsemanship at the highest level and that led him to becoming a protégé and friend of the best in our business; Bob and Judy Whitney. Bob eventually became a partner in Rock Walker Stables and theirs would be the stall fronts at Oklahoma that were simply overwhelming to walk by as they were piled high with blue coolers, trophies and tricolors.

Bob Hughes has become widely recognized in the Morgan breed as a master of the fine harness tradition, whether with his signature world titled park, pleasure, and roadster entries or the amateur horses he sends to the ring.

Bob’s dream of course has been to attain the Park Harness World Championship. This win has now happened twice; first with Tom and Teri Brisco’s elegant mare Tomeri Symphony GCH in 2016 and in 2019 with Dressed Up GCH, shown by amateur driver Glenn T. Werry. 

Other noteworthy park harness champions include HVK Tiz Flaire, Kim’s Bellegante, SLB Da Vinci GCH, and Dragonsmeade Fusion. Pleasure Driving World Champions have included High Y Black Tie, FCF Capestranno and SLB Andiamo GCH who won the title as a three-year-old. 

Bob drove the great HVK Baymarch to four wins of the Roadster To Bike World Championship. The number of world champions over the years in hand, in harness, and under saddle exceeds 300. 

In addition to training famous Morgans, Bob has exhibited a discerning eye for some of the best bloodstock in our breed. Just a quick look at mares in the Morgan Broodmare Hall Of Fame demonstrates that Bob has selected or stewarded the careers of these inductees: Kim’s Bellegante, HVK Ancient Cry, Dancity Gracious Remark, JLS Deer Sal, Nobelle, Long Acres Broadway and HVK Obsidian. He is the breeder of record of the world champions Mastroianni, Miyake GCH, The Noblest GCH, and Toscanini GCH.

Bob earns his Golden Reins having shown hundreds of show ring champions in many divisions, with the horses he has bred and the breeding programs he continues to influence.

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