AMHA Champion Title Program
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) is pleased to announce the inception of a new pilot program, the Champion Title Program, where Morgan horse champions can apply to receive the status of CH (champion) or GCH (grand champion).
The program, which begins with the 2012 competition year, has a $75 enrollment fee; to enroll a horse with points prior to 2012, the enrollment fee is $250. Following the 2012 competition year, the program has a $15 per year annual fee. Horse owners must be AMHA members.
To become a Champion, a horse must earn 15 points at any USEF-rated all Morgan show or in Morgan classes sanctioned by USEF; to become a Grand Champion, a horse must earn 30 points. Eligible classes include performance, equitation, and sport horse. Limit, Maiden, and Novice classes are not eligible for points.
Upon earning the required number of points, the horse's registered name will be updated in the AMHA database to reflect the acronym at the end of the name. Owners may use the champion status for advertising a Morgan's show ring wins and to help with sales prospects. A new registration certificate signifying a horse's Champion or Grand Champion status is available for $25.
Co-chairs of the AMHA Show Horse Committee, Carol Fletcher, AMHA Region 8 Director, and David Earehart, AMHA Region 3 Director, said, "We are delighted to introduce this exciting new program that recognizes the accomplishments of horses that excel in competitions. While some wonderful horses reach the pinnacle of competing at the Morgan Grand National, many horses never make it to that level of competition. Those horses do lots of winning and deserve this recognition and distinction. We also feel this will serve as a great breeding and sales tool to help prospective owners easily recognize the achievements of the horses they are considering."
Applications will be available online at or by calling AMHA at (802) 985-4944.