AMHA Board of Directors Seeks Immediate Rule Change from USEF
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The AMHA Board of Directors recently voted to request the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) Executive Committee, to pass an extraordinary rule change requiring riders participating in leadline classes to wear protective headgear at all times while mounted. If passed, this rule would take effect immediately upon approval for only the Morgan division.
At the recent USEF convention, a seminar on show ring safety was presented by a guest neurologist, discussing studies coming out of the sports world on brain concussions and the importance of protective headgear while riding. The AMHA Board of Directors chose to take a position on this important safety issue, as it deals with the smallest and most vulnerable of exhibitors.
If this request is accepted at the March 21 USEF Executive Committee meeting, the rule will go into effect immediately thereafter. Another proposal which will be reviewed in the Morgan Rules Forums will be a rule requiring that all walk/trotters, regardless of tack and attire, be required to wear a helmet when mounted. If accepted, this would go into effect in 2012.