AMHA Announces Director at Large Candidates
Thursday, November 12, 2015
AMHA is pleased to announce that Ling Fu Wylie and Harlan Grunden are the 2016 Director At Large candidate for the AMHA Board of Directors. One of the seats is being filled due to the recent death of director Harry Sebring.
Ballots will be sent to those 2015 AMHA members in good standing as of December 31, 2015, the beginning of January 2016. AMHA members with email addresses on record will be emailed a ballot. Members wishing to receive a paper ballot must have returned the postcard that was enclosed in the summer 2015 issue of the Network.
Below is the slate of candidates for the 2016 election for Regions 1, 2, and 9. In addition, candidates for Regions 3 and 10 are sought to fill the remaining two years of that position due to the resignation of that region's director.
Region 1 (two positions): Karen Marlin-Maine; Holly Scribner-Maine
Region 2 (two positions): Kathryn Kirsch-New York
Region 3 (one position): Sherry Cole-Indiana
Region 9 (one position): Linnea Sidi (incumbent)-Colorado
Region 10 (one position): Betsy Buchanan-North Carolina
The Annual Meeting of AMHA members will tentatively take place on Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 2 p.m. Eastern Time at the Westin Waterfront Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. - See more at: