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AMHA Announces Board of Directors Candidates

AMHA is pleased to announce the following slate of candidates for the 2011 election for Regions 3, 4, 5, and 10.

Region 3 (two positions) Gayle Singer and David Earehart

Region 4 (one position) Pat West (incumbent)

Region 5 (one position) Kris Breyer (incumbent) Ling Fu Wylie (incumbent)

Region 10 (one position) David Bramley

The Annual Meeting of AMHA members will take place at 3:30 PM ET on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. Please note, the meeting day has changed; in the past AMHA meeting of members take place on Friday afternoons, but in 2011, the day has been changed to accommodate Convention activities.

Nominating petitions for one Director at Large (DAL) position closes on November 1, 2010. Candidates for this position will be announced after that date.

Ballots will be mailed to those 2010 AMHA members in good standing as of December 31, 2010, the beginning of January 2011. 

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