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American Road Horse And Pony Association Offering Scholarships

The American Road Horse And Pony Association is once again pleased to announce that they will be offering two $1000 college scholarships.  These scholarships are made possible by an incentive program sponsored by the United States Equestrian Federation. 

The ARHPA would like to thank the USEF for their generosity in sponsoring these scholarships.  Without them these scholarships would not be possible.  Those eligible to receive these scholarships are the youth who are going into college or currently enrolled in college who or a legal guardian is a current member of the ARHPA. 

The ARHPA wishes to help anyone that is seeking to further their education.  There is a scholarship committee that will award the scholarships on the basis of: Community involvement, school involvement, academic success, and personal involvement in the ARHPA.  The ARHPA is looking to award these scholarships to the most eligible recipients. The winners will be announced at the World Championship Horse Show.

Go to for further information and application or you can contact Rick Adams at (678)296-7442 or [email protected].  All scholarship applications must submitted to Rick Adams by August 18, 2015.  


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