All American Cup Stallion Service Auction
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Momentum for the All American Cup has been building at a feverish pace recently. Longtime owner/breeder/handler Jim Aikman has put his heart and soul into the program in order to try and stimulate the breeding of American Saddlebreds.
“I’ve taken what I think are the best parts of other successful programs like the Wisconsin Futurity Limited Breeders’ Weanling Stake and the newly formed Bluegrass Futurity and formed what we think will be the greatest monetary incentive program to ever be offered,” said Aikman. “We are looking for the inaugural All American Cup which will be held Sept. 8, 2004, to be worth approximately one quarter of a million dollars. The winning colt will receive approximately $90,000 with 25 percent of the winnings going to the stallion service donor.
“If you look at other prize money paid out this is quite remarkable. In 2002 the winner of the Five-Gaited World’s Grand Championship received $18,480 and the winner of the Three-Gaited World’s Grand Championship received $9,000.
To fund this innovative program the All American Cup Stallion Service Auction will be held Saturday, Jan. 24, 2004, at Claudia Sanders Restaurant, Shelbyville, Ky. One-hundred and seventy of America’s finest stallions will be up for bidding. Only 450 seats are available for the auction so it is recommended that reservations be made early. The cost is $25 per person and checks should be made to the All American Cup and sent c/o Jim Aikman, 8949 Baker Road, Indianapolis, IN 46259.
The resulting foals from this year’s stallion service auction will be eligible to compete in the 2004 All American Weanling Cup and the 2008 Three-Year-Old Three-Gaited Park Cup which will be worth more than $100,000. You don’t have to be present at the auction in order to bid as phone bids will be taken.
For a list of the stallions and more information on the All American Cup go to Phone bids can be taken now and should be directed to Jim Aikman at 317-862-4341.