AHHS Grand Event Still A Go
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Officials for the AHHS Grand Event Weekend and 19th Annual AHHS Limited Breeders Sweepstakes Stallion Service Auction announced the activities are still on for Friday and Saturday in spite of the inclement weather the region is receiving today. Everyone is encouraged to do what they can to be there and support the great work that has gone into this event. You can still bid on the stallion services if you can’t be there in person.
The Shelby County Fairgrounds (Floral Hall) in Shelbyville, KY, will be the site of the Friday evening activities. Complimentary appetizers and a cash bar will be available. The highlight of the evening will be a round table discussion with AHHS President Andy Freseth. Numerous games, activities and general fellowship will complete the evening.
Saturday’s activities kickoff at 9:00 a.m. A new event for 2015 is a hands on learning experience. Participants will be given the opportunity to learn how to “Prepare Your Pony For Your Class” by working with a group of professionals who will share some of their tips. Teams will be chosen, and with the assistance of a trainer, will prepare a pony for the show ring. Recognized judges will judge the entries and the winning team will receive awards. This is an opportunity to learn from the best.
Another new event is the Claudia Sanders Luncheon and Outlet Mall Shopping Trip. This event starts at 11:30 with lunch at Claudia Sanders Restaurant in Shelbyville. Reservations are not required but please contact the AHHS to inform them of your intention to attend. Transportation will be provided to and from the Mall. Buses will leave Claudia Sanders at 12:45 and return at approximately 3:30. The Mall is providing Gift Certificates (good at any store) for all attendees. Sue Harrod has graciously organized this activity.
Hackney and Saddlebred barns in the Shelbyville Area will be open for visitations Saturday from 1:30 to 3:30. These include Majestic Oaks, Golden Creek Farms, Frickey Farm, Walnut Way Stable and Mike Felty Stable. Maps and directions to these wonderful facilities will be available.
A Silent Auction benefitting the Limited Breeders Sweepstakes and AHHS Promotion Fund will be available for bidding Friday and Saturday. Numerous items for the Hackney enthusiast will be available.
The AHHS Annual Membership meeting will commence at 4:30 in the Floral Hall. The Limited Breeders Sweepstakes Dinner and Stallion Auction will start at 6:00 with cocktails, followed by dinner at 6:30. Dinner will be catered by Chandlers on Market and will include a choice of steak or chicken entrée. Cost of the dinner is $36 per person. Reservations and payment can be made by contacting Ashley at the AHHS office.
The Stallion Auction will start at 7:30. Stallion donors are urged to return their completed forms to the AHHS office as soon as possible. There are 36 Hackney Pony stallions and six Hackney Horse stallions. The line-up includes: All That I Am, Benjamin Buttons, Brickell Romeo (Horse), Captain Cool, Craycroft Romulus, Crystal Creek’s Dr. Hill, Crystal Creek’s Extreme, D-H Center Of Attention, Dun-Haven Dapper Dann, Dun-Haven Master Cadet, Dun-Haven Phenomenal, Extremely Fine, Fitz’s Heart Throb, Halstead Viking (Horse), Heartland Code Of Ethics, Heartland Firewalker, Heartland Master of Disguise, Heartland Reliant, Highly Respected LF, Kenhurst Kilimanjaro, Kilbro’s Image, Kilbro’s Johnny Angel, Koal, Nightheir, No Deposit No Return (Horse), Nookwood Abracadabra, Priority Commander, Raffles (Horse), Regal’s Centurian LF, Regal’s Majesty LF, Regal’s Showman LF, Regal’s Showtime LF, Regal’s Wild Cat LF, Seventh Heaven, Stapleford Chiefton (Horse), The Chosen One, The Spiderman, TriMark, Truly Chosen, Twin Willow’s Handsome Dan, WW Impressive Treasure, X-Tremely, Late-Nite's Blank Check and Woodbridge Denver (Horse).

Five-times World's Champion Dun-Haven Phenomenal is one of 36 Hackney Pony stallion services being offered at the AHHS Grand Event.
The 2015 Limited Breeders Feature Stallions are the stallion of Crystal Creek Farms. These include five-times World’s Champion Dun-Haven Phenomenal, a son of The Extremist, Crystal Creek’s Extreme and the homebred LBS Champion, Crystal Creek’s Dr. Hill. The monies received from these stallions will be awarded in the LBS Three-Year-Old Performance class.
Phone bids are being accepted for all stallion services. Contact Tom Lowry (502) 664-5078, Rodney Hicks (413) 281-2658, Ryan Kildow (270) 307-9306 or Steve Kildow (765) 620-5779 to make plans to bid by phone. or for additional information on the AHHS Grand Event weekend, which is sponsored by Saddle Horse Report and Horse World Magazine.