AHHS Foundation Awards Four Scholarships
Sunday, May 27, 2012
The American Hackney Horse Society Foundation, Inc., in Lexington, Ky., announced that it will aware four college scholarships in the summer of 2012.
The AHHS Foundation has annually supported a scholarship program for college students who have shown an interest in the Hackney breed; this organization is proud of the number of students who have applied for and received these funded scholarships and continued an involvement with the Hackney horse and pony.
Selection of the recipients will be based on submission of an essay detailing interest and involvement with the Hackney breed, financial need, and scholarship merit as well as other requirements specified in the application.
The scholarships to be offered are:
Alvin Haugen Memorial Scholarship – to be awarded to an incoming college freshman in the amount of $2500.
American Hakney Horse Society Foundation Scholarship – to be awarded to an incoming college freshman in the amount of $2500.
Flat Rock Creek Farm Educational Scholarship – to be awarded to an incoming college freshman in the amount of $2500.
Ed Frickey Memorial Scholarship – to be awarded to an enrolled college student entering his/her sophomore, junior or senior year in the amount of $2500.
The recipients will be presented their scholarships during the World’s Championship Horse Show in August. For further information, please contact AHHSF Scholarship Committee Chairperson Anna Marie Knipp at 314/605-4622 or by fax at 573/657-7036. Application forms will be available on the American Hackney Horse Society website www.hackneysociety.com.
The deadline for submission of applications is June 21, 2012.