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AAC Show Of Shows Introduced

Tireless promoter Jim Aikman has added another element to the All American Cup program, helping the stallion participants in marketing efforts. During the week of Lexington Junior League the AAC is partnering with Parkerview Farm, Alliance Stud and Undulata to bring you a presentation of outstanding bloodstock, yearlings, two-year-olds, and three-year-olds that are available for purchase - the Show Of Shows. This will be a marketing opportunity that has never been seen before. Many of these will be All American Cup eligible, therefore eligible to win the largest payouts in the history of the American Saddlebred.

On Sunday, July 10, the gates to Parkerview Farm will open at 4:00 p.m. with guests invited to a Bar-B-Que and presentation of outstanding horses with Bridget Parker as your hostess. A cash bar will be available. This has been an outstanding showing of stallions, mares, babies and prospects over the past few years and it promises to be even bigger this July. Peter Fenton and Jim Aikman will serve as your Masters Of Ceremonies.

Friday, July 15 the Show Of Shows will begin at 6:30 a.m. with everyone meeting at the American Saddlebred Museum where Peter and Lynn Via are sponsoring a lovely continental breakfast. The Museum is offering a 20 percent discount to all of the AAC guests who are Museum members. Educational and free DVDs will be given to everyone going on the tour. Also, special entertainment is planned for the Museum gathering to get everyone revved up for the day ahead.

The AAC tour buses will leave the Museum at 8:00 a.m. and head to Dr. Scott and Linda Bennett’s Alliance Stud, followed by Hoppy Bennett’s famed Undulata. An estimated 40 young horses will be previewed and offered to the discriminating buyer. This is a chance to see some of the best young stock in the country in two great settings.

Free sack lunches will also be provided to all that sign up for the AAC Show Of Shows. Additionally, Alice Dearborn and Kent Moeller of the Lexington Junior League Horse Show have provided free tickets for the Thursday and Friday night performances for all AAC attendees. The All-American Horse Classic is providing free select seating to attendees who visit the September 6 - 10 show where the All American Cup will award world record premiums to the industry’s finest weanlings and three-year-olds.

This full day of activities is available for only $38 a ticket, which includes riding on the tour buses. If you wish to drive yourself, you may follow the tour and take part in the activities for $25 a car load.

To make reservations or for more information contact Jim Aikman, 317-862-4341 or 697-2484 or email

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