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A Message from the UPHA Executive Board

Dear UPHA Members,

The last few months have been difficult for all of us. As we begin to think about barns opening, lesson programs resuming and horse shows starting we need to be reminded that our sport, and the way we do business, has changed. A new normal exists. This new normal will be most evident at horse shows.

Over the last few weeks the Joint Leadership Council and USEF have provided our membership with Recommended Best Practices and a set of guidelines in an effort to help navigate the transition from how horse shows were in the past to what will now be necessary in order to safeguard the wellbeing and health of our trainers, staff, and clients. Our success is dependent on all of us doing our part, following recommended protocol and working to keep ourselves, our horses and our people safe.

We only have one chance to make sure we have protected ourselves, clients, staff and our sport. Let’s get it right.

What we should do:
1.     Wear a facemask or face covering when in a public setting where there is a possibility of being within six feet of other individuals, and when NOT riding or driving a horse.
2.     Practice social distancing in the barns, along the rail and in the stands.
3.     Limit access to your barn aisles.
4.     Wash your hands often and use hand sanitizer.
5.     Try not to rub your eyes or touch your face.
6.     Wear gloves whenever you can.
7.     Set the example for your clients and barn mates.
8.     Limit the number of supporters for each entry in the warm-up area.
9.     Whenever possible complete your entries and paperwork prior to arriving at the show.
10.  Encourage exhibitors to arrive at the show dressed to compete.

If we each do our part we will have a show season. Our shows will be different but there will be an opportunity to participate in the sport we love. If we don’t follow the recommended best practices we run the risk of endangering ourselves and others. Let’s work together to stay healthy and well until COVID-19 is a thing of the past.

Warmest Regards,
UPHA Executive Board
Cindy Mugnier
Lynda Freseth
Nelson Green
Nancy Troutman
Ray Krussell
Chuck Herbert
Gary Garone
Smith Lilly
Nancy Becker, Director of Fundraising
Jennifer Mellenkamp, Executive Director

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