Qualification Changes for the Grand National Youth of the Year Contest
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
AMHA Youth Programs has been working hard to navigate the next steps for local and National Youth of the Year Contests considering the recent cancelations and date changes of shows across the country. Given the recent qualification changes made to the Morgan Grand National Horse Show along with the COVID-19 Safety precautions that will be practiced during the show, the AMHA Youth Committee has made the decision to hold the Grand National Youth Contest Finals virtually for the year of 2020. The Committee has also agreed to make changes to the contest qualifications moving forward. The qualifications are:
-If you have already qualified to participate in the 2020 GN Youth Contest you are eligible
-If you have competed in the GN Youth Contest in the past and are still of Youth age (14-21), you are eligible.
-If you have not met the above criteria, and still would like to have a chance to qualify, AMHA Youth will be proctoring a Horsemastership test to ALL YOUTH MEMBERS (14-21) that pre register. If you score a 200 out of 250 points (80%) you will then qualify to compete in the Grand National Youth Contest. You must register with AMHA by July 31st to take the test, (announcements on how to register will be emailed and on the AMHA Say Hay page within the next week).
The Grand National Junior Invitational Contest will be virtual as well. As in the past, you DO NOT need to qualify to participate in this.
All Local Contests that have previously registered with AMHA to be held in 2020 season moving forward, will not qualify contestants. We do urge the local contests that get the opportunity to be held, to do so as practice for youth.
We look forward to making the best of the situation and breaking new ground in the AMHA Youth Contest Program.
If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Nikki [email protected]
(859)287-2470 ext 404.