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AMHA Board Issues Letter to Membership; AMHA Home Office Lease Expires in 2020

As reported in the April 6 meeting minutes of the AMHA Board of Directors (posted on the members only side of the AMHA website), a Lease Review Committee, chaired by Western Region Director Terri Sturm, was established to research the value of the current home office lease (expiring in 2020) as well as investigate and research alternate opportunities in order to proceed into the next agreement ensuring optimum success for the American Morgan Horse Association, Inc.
In accordance with the AMHA’s strategic plan and desired long term success of the Association, it was deemed prudent to conduct research on all aspects of the home office’s viability before entering into a new, long term lease agreement of any sort.
Some of the countless factors researched include,
• Office Space, Utility, Travel and Overall Operational Expenses
• Insurance Rates, Return on Investments, Tax Rates & Incentives
• Cost of Living for Staff/Quality of Life
• Compensation Packages and ability to offer competitive benefits
• Staffing resources for future employment and longevity 
• Availability/choices of technology and services to adjust with business trends
• Opportunities to reach new markets; Continually exposing the Morgan Horse to more people
• Accessibility to members
• Access to network of equine related industries
• Environments/Cultures to support the long term success of the Association, Registry, and Magazine
• Impact on Budget: Ability to continue and add member based programs, refrain from raising fees, etc.
• Appropriate size and quality of space without maintenance issues or other disturbing influences
Upon confirming that that the current space is too large, inconvenient to access and suffers from multiple facility issues, the Committee narrowed their research and focused on four possible locations, 2 New England options (Burlington area, VT and Portland, Maine) and 2 Central options (Lexington/Louisville, KY and Oklahoma City, OK) - all of which have a connection to AMHA.
After much research and review, the Lease Review Committee will be presenting their recommendation for relocation to Lexington, Kentucky to the Board of Directors at the Third Quarter Meeting scheduled for Saturday, September 7 in Las Vegas, Nevada. As always, board meetings are always open to both AMHA members and guests and all are invited to attend the meeting in order to follow the discussion and provide input. For those that are not able to attend, you are welcome to pass any questions or thoughts on to your Regional Directors, through the AMHA office at [email protected], or directly to AMHA President Mari Sanderson at [email protected]. Those wishing to attend the Third Quarter meeting in person can book hotel reservations at the host hotel (South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa) by calling 1-866-791-7626 no later than August 15 to get the AMHA Board Meeting room block rate. Conference call in information will be posted closer to the meeting date via our weekly Global e-mail blast.
The Board of Directors feel it is important to be completely transparent with this process and allow members and staff the ability to express their support and/or concerns prior to any formal action on the matter.
The Board, along with the entire Morgan community wishes to make informed decisions that support the overall growth and long term success of the Association and while change is extremely difficult, the main goal of everyone is sure to be in alignment with AMHA’s mission to preserve, promote and perpetuate this amazing breed.  
We look forward to hearing from you and will continue to keep you informed on all progress made.
The AMHA Board of Directors
Mari Sanderson, President and Western Region Director: [email protected]
Harlan Grunden, Vice President and Central Region Director: [email protected]
Kate Kirsch, Vice President of Finance and Eastern Region Director: [email protected]
C.A. “Tony” Lee, III, Eastern Region Director: [email protected]
Kristen Breyer, Central Region Director: [email protected]
Terri Sturm, Lease Review Committee Chair and Western Region Director: [email protected]
Carol Fletcher, Western Region Director: [email protected]
Steven Handy, Eastern Region Director: [email protected]
Vicki Bennett, Central Region Director: [email protected]

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