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AHHS Lydia Luhman Pederson Distinguished Service Award: Kate Earehart

The AHHS Lydia Luhman Pederson National Distinguished Service Award is awarded to a member of the American Hackney Horse Society who, without compensation, contributed his or her energies into the improvement of the AHHS, its activities, and membership. 

Katy Earehart has selflessly given her time, knowledge, and talents to the AHHS. Katy, as an exhibitor of Hackney ponies, always conducts herself with both style and grace. 

It would be difficult to find someone who loves the Hackney breed more than Katy does. She works tirelessly promoting the breed, and attracts others to the Hackney industry with her sportsmanship and genuine kindness. 

Katy has devoted an incredible amount of her time and resources to fundraising and assisting in planning for the various AHHS events and programs. Both the AHHS and the Hackney have benefited from her time and efforts. 

For this reason, Katy is the recipient of the AHHS Lydia Luhman Pederson National Distinguished Service Award.

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