AHHS Scavenger Hunt for WCHS
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
The American Hackney Horse Society is excited to present a Louisville Hackney Spirit Scavenger Hunt, hosted by Heritage Stables, Bryan & Katy Earehart. The contest is designed to promote youth involvement within the Hackney breed (regardless of breed affiliation) and will include numerous video and photo challenges involving Hackneys and members of the Hackney community. Be sure to SHARE the following information with your barnmates!
Where: World’s Championship Horse Show
When: Contest begins Sunday, August 19th - All entries must be submitted by 10:00 pm on Thursday, August 23rd
How: Pick up your scavenger hunt forms and information sheet in the horse show office or see a representative at Heritage Stables, Ella Stables, Rodney Hicks Stables, Debonaire Stables or Cater Stables
How Do I Win?: The youth with the most activities completed off their checklist and most points will win! One point will be awarded for photo/text submissions and 2 points for video submissions. Style points will be awarded for creativity on photo and video challenges!
Fabulous Prizes will be awarded!!!! The top 5 participants who score the most points will receive Visa gift cards ranging from $50- $300. All participants in the Scavenger Hunt will receive iTunes gift cards and Hackney swag!
The Scavenger Hunt is open to all exhibitors age 18 and under, regardless of breed affiliation. The contest will run from Sunday, August 19 through Thursday, August 23, with an awards reception held on Friday, August 24th.
Additional contest information can be found in the horse show office. You may also contact a member of Heritage Stables at Louisville for more information on how to be part of the fun!
Sending A HUGE THANK YOU to our Scavenger Hunt Sponsors: Heritage Stables, Bent Tree Farm, Cater Stables, Debonaire Stables, Tom & Maureen Quackenbush, and Ricky Harris & Cheryl Innis.