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A Memorable First Grand National Blue

by Britni Olsen


Caryn Possell-Earehart is no stranger to the show ring, as she has been showing for nearly 28 years. She has a record of showing many Grand National and world champion titleholders, such as Guns And Roses, Ultra’s My Guy GCH, HVK Port Rush, Street Smart, and HVK Bold Reasoning. But Caryn, herself, had never won her own Grand National title. 


On Monday at the 2017 Morgan Grand National, Caryn rode Red River Valley Enterprise’s Dragonsmeade Alinea to win the English Pleasure Mares class. A phenomenal class of three spectacular mares earned her a trip to the winner’s circle for her first Grand National blue. 


This team has only been together for a few short months. Buckeye Morgan Challenge was their first show together to get qualified for the ladies division, where they not only won the ladies qualifier, but the open championship. 


“It still has not set in that I won my first Grand National title.” Caryn stated, “After the class I was like ‘whoa that victory pass went by so fast!’”


Caryn has dreamed of this moment for so long, and has worked hard to earn it. She now has her eyes set and is excited to head back in to the world championship classes later in the week, after her husband Bert has his turn with Alinea in the Pleasure Driving Mares on Wednesday morning. 

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