2021 LBS Stallion List
Friday, February 19, 2021
Members, the 2021 Limited Breeder’s Sweepstakes Stallion Service Auction is being held online this year. We are excited to announce the online auction website will open for bids next week! The website will contain breeding details, pedigrees, and photos of each stallion. Below is a preview of the list of the 30 stallions that will be available for bid. Details regarding the online auction will be released soon! Stay tuned….
1. B. R. S. Mark's Memories
2. Burnside Manor Prince
3. Crystal Creek's Extreme
4. Crystal Creek's Saint Jude
5. Dan the Man
6. Dun-Haven Dapper Dann
7. Dun-Haven Phenomenal
8. Handsome Harry
9. Heartland Code of Ethics
10. Heartland Flashy Fella
11. Heartland Master Of Disguise
12. Highly Explosive LF
13. Highly Respected LF
14. Kilbro's Image
15. Kilbro's Johnny Angel
16. Koal
17. Lighting McQueen
18. Mr Dynamic
19. Paint Valley Captian
20. Regal's Patriot LF
21. Regal's Wild Cat LF
22. Romeo's Black Magic
23. Romeo's Successor LF
24. Strike A Deal
25. The Romancer
26. The Spiderman
27. Truly Chosen
28. Twin Willow's Handsome Dan
29. Whippoorwills Special Delivery
30. WW Impressive Treasure