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2020 World's Championship Horse Show Update

The American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA), along with the WCHS Advisory Committee and Joint Leadership Council, have been working with the Kentucky State Fair Board and World’s Championship Horse Show to ensure that our industry’s voice is heard and concerns are being addressed, while acknowledging that much could change between now and late August. Yesterday the Fair Board submitted a draft proposal to the Kentucky Governor’s Office to hold a modified Fair and Horse Show in August that respects public health guidelines in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The proposal is subject to revisions and includes a range of ideas on how to host the Fair and Horse Show during the pandemic. “Nothing is approved from the State. Nothing is confirmed from the State. These are ideas only that we are trying to put forward with the best knowledge we have on what’s happening today,” said Fair Board Chair Dr. Mark Lynn.

A decision by the Governor is expected by mid-June. Ryan Quarles, Commissioner of Agriculture and Fair Board member also stated yesterday, “Fair Board members are committed to putting public health first, and the draft proposal submitted to Governor Beshear’s administration is one made in good faith with the understanding that we need to be flexible on how we move forward.”

More information will be made available to ASHA members as we receive it.

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