2019 Year In Review Completed
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
The 2019 Year In Review, our 26th edition, is at the printer and soon it will be in your homes and offices. Devoted to preserving the history of the show horse industry, the Year In Review is once again filled with beautiful pages that present the highlights of last year’s shows, both big and small, in addition to page after page of cumulative records of everything from registration and transfer numbers for the breed associations to National Champions from the different Equitation Finals.
Additionally, our readers will find the World’s Champion Sire Rating, UPHA, ASHA, AMHA, and AHHS Honorees, complete results from the World’s Championship Horse Show and the Morgan Grand National, and much, much more.
Our Profile Section features the top horses, ponies, riders, drivers, and farms from 2019. You’re sure to enjoy this walk down memory lane.
For our Saddle Horse Report online subscribers, one of the benefits is being able to view this book now. To purchase a copy of this coffee-table quality book, pre-orders (by April 29) are available for $19.95, plus shipping. To take advantage of this $10 savings call (931) 684-8123 or email [email protected] to order yours today!