2019 AHHS Showmanship Final
Friday, September 13, 2019
The UPHA American Royal National Championship Horse Show and the American Hackney Horse Society are pleased to announce the AHHS Youth Medallion Showmanship In Hand Championship will be held at the 2019 UPHA American Royal. The Final will be held on Friday, November 15, 2019, in the morning, immediately following Class 132 - UPHA 10 & Under Walk/Trot National Challenge Cup - Phase I.
This unique class is judged (50%) on the presentation of the pony, and the handler's showmanship skills, with consideration (40%) being given to the turnout of the pony, and (10%) to the appearance of the handler. Pattern work is also an integral part of this class. For an educational video for everyone, describing in detail the class specifications, patterns to be called for, acceptable attire, and what the judges will be looking for, click the link below.
Haven't qualified yet? There is still time! ASHAM Charity in East Lansing, MI on Oct. 10-12 is hosting an AHHS Youth Medallion Showmanship In Hand qualifying class. Horse show managers, you can still add this class to your schedule! Shows do not have to be USEF rated shows to host an AHHS Youth Medallion Class and there is no charge to add the Showmanship In Hand class to your schedule.
For parents, exhibitors, and trainers, if you would like the class added to one of your upcoming shows, reach out and ask the show manager.
The American Royal will provide an exciting venue for all the exhibitors who qualify for the championship finals. For more information regarding the requirements for the AHHS Youth Medallion Showmanship In Hand class or any AHHS Youth Medallion class, visit the AHHS website HERE or contact Executive Secretary, Taylor Gregory, at the AHHS office by phone (859) 255-8694 or email [email protected].
Educational Video